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As predicted, Doug Ford has begun attacking climate change policy in Ontario. Don't be surprised as Doug runs the gambit on science-based policy, the new post-truth conservatism demands it. While many speculate as to why conservatives and libertarians enact such radical measures, one must never forget that it's just business, very risky business, business at all costs—even when that cost is human lives.

Disregarding experts, science and public safety demonstrates the false morality of post-truth conservatism and delivers real victims of harmful public policy changes. The current Trump lobotomy on some US environmental policy will result in an estimated  8,000 deaths per year. I estimate that climate change will risk the lives of 500,000,000 people by 2050, mostly women and children. Some are offended when I assert that ignoring climate is like ignoring two and a half Holocausts per year, but this math can't be erased.

Science enables strong predictions and uncovers many inconvenient truths. When these post-truths have no basis in economics, we see post-truth conservatism in action—it's an ugly business. Bowing to special interest groups and big money supercedes all science, research, democracy and informed public policy. How many Americans will die as a direct result? Seems only the number of dead Americans is becoming greater.

Coal energy generation located close to poor communities has a direct impact on human life, mainly children. When the EPA improved coal regulations, scientists discovered a decrease in deaths, air-pollution related impacts (autism*, asthma, respiratory-related diseases, cancers, etc.), and a net-positive impact on the environment: the air and water pollution decreases. Success? Does science matter when conservative leadership won't recognize it?

Conservatives once proclaimed economics, economics, economics for such policy changes, even if profits trumped life, they normalized that. When we take a closer look at the economics of coal, it's a net loser, as Trump moves to subsidize coal, we see post-truth conservatism would rather subsidize death than deliver health care for all. When we look at the numbers, this looks like economic genocide.

Doug Ford didn't need a platform for us to predict what @OntarioPCParty would do next, post-truth conservatism has gone global, it's a deadly cult. As predictable as the sun, doing what reflects post-truth conservative identity politics and burns tax dollars and liquidates public assets is the short-game. Take a look a Texas, it messed itself. 

The previous disaster capitalism culture has evolved into disaster government. Fomenting chaos is now a business model. Increase pollution, increase health care profits. Filling prisons with those that can't afford legal representation fills the puppeteers' pockets. Starting wars becomes a business strategy. Bush, Harper, now Trump: any excuse to boost military spending ensures the donations keep flowing. Military spending can't protect us from climate change.

What post-truth conservatism fails to understand is that innovation and progress lifted North America—conservatives never understood what created a modern society, they still don't get it, nor should we expect them to understand. What has changed is that North America is facing competition and we can't afford to be playing dumb political games with our collective futures. Both China and Russia are looking to take us out of the game—and they are winning. The past quarter-century of conservative oppression has helped our enemies. Post-truth conservatives are blind to all these threats and equally blind to the benefits of innovation and progress. 

Could Doug Ford be dumb enough to bring coal back to Ontario? Will Alberta sell it?  Will Doug Ford expand nuclear energy in Ontario?  Don't overthink it, Doug will weaken protections and regulations to benefit those that make the rules for Doug.

In Florida, mental health rehab's don't need to be science-based—will Doug deliver Ontario markets for his American special interest groups? Don't overthink it.

